Hello from Muskegon Pediatrics!
We hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful summer… Michigan summers are the best!
Here’s some important information and reminders we thought you might like to know.
School Forms
It is time to plan for the school year! Remember we can complete the required school forms at your child’s yearly well child check up appointment.
If your child has had a check up and needs a form completed, you can send it to us through your child’s portal, found at www.muskegonpediatrics.com or call the office at 231-638-4120.
Most kindergarteners will need their hearing and vision checked for registration. If your child has had a check up in the last year, we did those at the check up and we provide you with the information. If your child has not had a check up yet, please call 231-638-4120 to schedule an appointment.
Care Closet
If you are in need of diapers, wipes, clothing, underwear, bras, feminine products, soap, toothbrush/toothpaste or deodorant please call our office so we can help, 231-638-4120.
If you have any items to donate, we would greatly appreciate them! Diapers and wipes are always needed, along with gently used children's clothing.
Our care closet is open to everyone in the community, not just our patients. Please have your family members or neighbors call (231-638-4120) if they are in need and we will gather the items together.
Fun things to do around town
If you are getting bored going to the beach… here are a few things you can check out around town:
Lakeshore Museum - free for Muskegon County Residents with events and activities weekly
Muskegon Art Museum - has a fun spot for kids to do art. Free admission on Thursdays.
Hackley Library and the Muskegon Area District Libraries have story time, fun kits to take home and beautiful children’s sections for the child to enjoy
Muskegon Farmers Market
EBT accepted
Try the new food challenge - every visit get 1 new vegetable/food to try with your kids to see foods they may like, but never tried.
Power of Produce - get tokens to try new veggies
Parks, parks, parks - we have an abundance of parks to explore - parks for just walking, parks for playing on playgrounds, parks with both. Take a snack or lunch to spend time trying a new park with your kids.
Splash pad next to the post office in Muskegon - so much fun!
Parties in the Park Schedule
Influenza Vaccine Clinic Save the date for September 21st and October 19th. We will again have our annual drive-thru influenza vaccine clinic. Stay tuned for more information. |
Mental Health
It’s normal for children to experience a wide range of emotions as they grow from babies to young adults. Life can be hard for adults too. If you are concerned about your own or your child’s mental health, you can call the crisis line at any time. The number is 988 and it’s not just for emergencies.
Also, if you are looking for counseling resources feel free to contact our office for a list of resources.
Prescription Refills
There are two ways to request a prescription refill.
You can call our office and leave a message on the prescription refill line.
You use the portal to request a refill.
We do not receive requests or honor prescription refills from pharmacies. Please contact our office first if you are in need of refills.
Free Health Care for those without Insurance or Underinsured
The Mission for Area People is now offering free walk-in medical care to uninsured or underinsured residents of Muskegon County. The clinic is open Mondays and Wednesdays 9am-12pm. It is located at 2500 Jefferson St. Muskegon 49444
Remember, healthy parents will lead to healthy families and kids! Please take care of yourself.
Best Wishes,
Dr. King